Aeschynanthus longicaulis

Black Pagoda Lipstick Plant

The Black Pagoda may look like a Hoya, but it is actually a variety of lipstick plant. Aeschynanthus longicaulis is also commonly known as the Black Pagoda or Zebra Basket Vine. This is a flowering plant from Asia that will typically bloom in late winter and spring. But keeping your Black Pagoda happy with the right care requirements will keep it blooming. 

Jake's Plant Pointers

This is an excellent houseplant as it tolerates lower light and dryness. It cascades and trails which makes it ideal for hanging baskets. Let dry out between waterings.


Enzo's Pet Pointers

According to the ASPCA the Black Pagoda Lipstick plant is non-toxic to cats, dogs, and horses. It's still a good idea to keep this plant out of reach as the flowers can easy get knocked off with a wagging tail. 

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