Vinyasa Yoga

Amy Klein


Amy came to yoga with an intention of creating a shift in her own personal growth and development. Through her experience, decades of heaviness that had built up in her body were stripped away and it felt incredible! She felt empowered, authentic, and truly happy. Craving more of that good energy, Amy completed her second yoga teacher training with Colleen O’Brien McFall and the Columbus School of Yoga here at Danja Yoga with the intention was to delve deeper in her practice, immerse herself in a yoga community and share all the goodness yoga has to offer with others. With every class Amy teaches you'll feel her strength and sweetness shining through!

Amy came to yoga with an intention of creating a shift in her own personal growth and development. Through her experience, decades of heaviness that had built up in her body were stripped away and it felt incredible! She felt empowered, authentic, and truly happy. Craving more of that good energy, Amy completed her second yoga teacher training with Colleen O’Brien McFall and the Columbus School of Yoga here at Danja Yoga with the intention was to delve deeper in her practice, immerse herself in a yoga community and share all the goodness yoga has to offer with others. With every class Amy teaches you'll feel her strength and sweetness shining through!

In 2017, with little yoga experience, I decided I needed to make some healthy changes in my life so I signed up for my first YTT 200, solely for my own personal development. I was blindsided. It was incredibly challenging. It helped me strip away decades of heaviness that had built up in my body and it felt incredible! I felt empowered, authentic, and truly happy for the first time in a long time. New opportunities opened for me and I began a new chapter in my life. Four years later, I was craving more of that good energy and signed up for YTT 200 with Colleen O’Brien McFall at Danja Yoga. This time I had a new intention, I wanted to be a part of a community and share all the goodness yoga has to offer. Plus, I’m an Aries and we love to share and give back. Teaching yoga feels like the natural thing to do.

RYT 200, Columbus School of Yoga at Danja Yoga, Focus: Vinyasa Yoga

RYT 200, Give Yoga, Focus: Power Yoga

The community. The inclusiveness. The plants.

Don’t take yourself so seriously! Letting go and embracing the process will always reward you the most.

Ardha Chandrasana (Half Moon Pose) It consistently proves to be challenging but also it also feels really good in my body.

40 Days to Personal Revolution by Baron Baptiste. I first read it in 2017. It was my first introduction to yoga and it inspired me to eliminate processed foods from my diet.

My career path. It began in fashion design, then to commercial photography and now interior design working on properties around the country.

My family, healthy food, and surrounding myself with people who have a growth mindset.

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